- Company Name
Daisei Ironworks Inc.
- Address
4-128-2, Hongo, Kashiwara-shi, Osaka, 582-0001, Japan
- Contact
Please feel free contact to us via contact form.
- Business Hours
9:00 – 18:00 on Mon – Fri (JST)
* Basically closed on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays and our company holidays. - Map
History of Management Company
- 1989-11
Yasumichi Sanagi started his own business in Fukuei-cho, Yao City as Daisei Ironworks. - 1991-07
Incorporated as Daisei Ironworks Inc. - 1995-07
Head office and plant relocated to current location (Hongo, Kashiwara City) - 2000-02
Keitaro Sanagi resigned from his previous position and joined as his successor. - 2014-06
Established “Blister Pack Lab” (this web site).